ILSAN TEKSTİL makes its energy investments with the awareness that protecting the environment is a responsibility towards future generations.
We are working to reduce carbon emissions and at the same time we are planting saplings.
Reducing energy costs, which is an important expense, is among our primary goals.
With energy efficiency practices, we replace our existing machinery-equipment with high-efficiency machinery-equipment, and economize by reducing our energy consumption.
We evaluate alternative solutions with our project design works and continue to invest in new and renewable energy sources.
We satisfy by 23% of our factory's energy needs with the 7.04 MW Solar power plants that we started to investing in 2020.
In this way, we contribute to both nature and the economy of our business by obtaining electricity from solar energy, which is a 100% clean and renewable energy source.



Carrying out new projects that will provide energy efficiency and savings
To meet all of our electricity needs by increasing our investments in solar power plants,
Turning to alternative energy sources instead of fossil fuels
Carrying out projects on the recovery of waste water


ILSAN Tekstil's ,rich and high quality product portfolio appeals to the domestic market as well as exports to abroad. ILSAN Tekstil, by following the latest technology machines and innovations in the sector; It is on the way to become an integrated facility with its investments.


Addres: 1. OSB Mahallesi 6. Cadde No:21 Yeşilyurt - MALATYA

Phone: +90 (422) 237 51 14 (pbx)

Fax: +90 (422) 237 51 16

e-mail: info@ilsantekstil.com.tr